The next Vol of mini Q+A’s with Ashley Wood is here! Questions are from fans across UV’s China social media and the UV Discord. Head to the UV Discord to submit one for a future mini Q+A.

Q+A Vol. 2 October:

Q: With 2022 being the 20th Anniversary of Popbot being published are there any plans for new figure related releases from UV coming? Or perhaps a new version of Kitty? Any chance of reprints of the books through UV or Syzygy?
A: Wow 20 years! Never thought about that! We have some plans for Pop related stuff, a new line of Kitty figures and a new Popbot fig. These things, especially a Pop figure, take some time. I really want to deliver a definitive Popbot, close to the book! I’ve thought about reprinting Popbot via Syz, does anyone want that? Now my mind is racing! I really should do something, thanks for the bump!

Q: Out of everything you’ve ever worked on, what is the number one thing you are most proud of and what is the thing you would have changed in hindsight?
A: The number one thing I’m proud of regarding my work is that I’m still going! 32 years and still massively interested in it all. It’s all one work, whether toy or painting. It’s all just as important when standing back from the chaos. Hindsight is for suckers!

Q: With 3A and Underverse being a player in the designer/art toy scene and yourself having history of living through the ups and downs of the market, where do you see the whole designer toy thing going in the future and why?
A: I see amazing new artists emerging to take the field into new heights and avenues, evolution is a wonderful thing and that will fuel the future of designer toys. Ups and downs are purely a financial stance, wonderful works fail to sell, while trite movie tie-ins make bank, etc. But Toy Art evolves and gives us wonderful talented peeps on a yearly basis. That alone fills me with confidence of its future. 

Q: I know historically large robots have always been a hard sell, but is there a chance we will see some big One Sixth scale UV WWR robots again at some point? 
A: Yup, we are working on a new Bertie for the 1/6th market, I mean I love them, always have, it’s how I started out! 

Q: Is there more we can learn about the Dead Alreadys? Do they have any affiliation with the Seven Bones or Death Mask crew? Additionally, what about Seurat and Sorollo made you name TKs after them? 
A: The Dead Alreadys is what’s left of a large TK force that was battling Mortis armies in a time-collapsed solar system (cut off from everything, out of step with all things). Their Oracle TK supplied them with knowledge of when they will perish, eliminating any concerns about their mortality. With the gift of freedom of this knowledge they believe they gained an advantage in their war. 

The Dead Already’s have no relationship with any other group except the longing for family. TK’s will always group and define themselves as a way to combat the supernatural premise of their creation. 

Regarding Seurat and Sorollo – it’s simply because I love their art and thought it would be cool to have a group of TK named after artists I admire :)